In my opinion Coleman make about the best camping lanterns on the market. They have a great build quality and are reasonably priced compared to other camping lamps. Whenever I buy any product, I feel more at ease when it’s from a company that has been around for some time and has a great track […]
Wind-Up Lights
Anyone who is into camping will know how much fun it can be. In fact there’s not much that I don’t like about camping but one of the most annoying and potentially hazardous is running out of light. Running out of batteries or camping fuel in a remote camping spot can be disastrous. For this […]
Cleaning a Propane Lantern
With correct care and upkeep, your propane lantern will provide years of camping service. Cleaning your propane lantern is a particularly straightforward process and following these simple ideas can prolong the life of your camping lantern. A clean lantern casts more light and runs much more efficiently, so make a habit of cleaning yours on […]
LED Camping Lights
The new generation of LED camping lights resolves lots of the ‘inconveniences’ of standard camping lights. During the past 5 years or so, there have been giant jumps forward in the development of usable LED camping lighting. It was not that long ago, LED lights were considered just about too dim for regular use, and […]
LED Head Lamp
If you’re still employing a hand held torch for your lighting desires after dark, then you’re missing a superb tool that might help you enormously in any after-dark task. Regardless of what great quality hand held flashlight you have, it may not compare to the convenience and comfort of an LED head lamp. Even LED […]
Gas and Liquid Fueled Camping Lamps
I think that camping lamps are one of the most important camping accessories. This makes your choice of which camping lamps you need to purchase even more important. Once again, this decision should only be made AFTER you work out what type of camping you will doing or what camping activities you will be participating […]
LED vs halogen battery operated lamp
I thought I might share with you this short video explaining very briefly about some different camping lamps. The candle type camping lighting you see first isn’t really recommended for camping use. But the visual on the battery operated lamp gives a somewhat useful comparison between the battery life of a halogen and LED battery […]
Camping Fuel, which one do I use?
Different camping lighting requires different camping fuel. While this sounds an obvious statement, it can be surprising how many new campers buy their camping lamps, camp stove or heaters without any thought as to what makes them operate. Often the camping appliance will come fueled or with a refill canister, so for a first time […]
Battery Lantern – When should I use one?
Do you camp often? Have all the usual equipment that most of us campers would have? You know – tents, cooking gear, sleeping bags, camping lighting, hiking equipment, navigational aids ….and so on. Well I also go camping A LOT, and one of the most versatile items I use is the trusty old battery lantern. […]
Solar Path Lights – Light the way!
When you go camping often, you get to speak with many other camping enthusiasts. You get to hear about their various experiences and ideas, and you get to share yours. One valuable camping tip that I was told some time ago was the practice of using solar path lights throughout a campsite. The idea is […]